

Busselton Senior High School uses Compass for all attendance, pastoral care, parent evenings/meetings and excursions. Upon commencement, parents will receive a login and password to access the platform, as well as instructions on how to use Compass. There is an app you can download to your phone or you can use Compass through a browser on a PC, both very user friendly. You can submit attendance notes through Compass, explaining your students absences, as well as notifying the school if your child is going to be late. All excursions will be managed through Compass which means that permission letters will be online, consent will be given online and payments can also be made online. Compass also allows parents and teachers to communicate directly and is very user friendly.

-Monitor your child’s attendance, and enter in explanations for late arrivals or absences.
-Download and view their child’s progress and semester reports.
-View ‘My News’, a news feed of school announcements, alerts and updates.
-View your child’s timetable and the school calendar.
-Book Parent/Teacher interviews.
-Pay and provide consent for events and excursions.

Please click here to view the parent/caregiver guide to Compass.